Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas week in Harmony: Part Three

Last day of a relaxing week in the little cabin in Maine. The threatened storm turned out to be powerful but brief with less than 10 inches of snow, but the wind blew all the snow off the pine trees, erasing the "winter wonderland" feel of the place.

No matter. Sunday was above freezing and cloudy with occasional slush balls falling. Our plan to snowshoe in the woods was thwarted when we discovered we had a serious ice dam on the roof. I knocked down 5-foot icicles and got hit in the face with a shard, giving me a little cut on the lip. Ralphie of A Christmas Story fame would have been impressed.

We spent several hours breaking up the ice along the edge of the roof with a hatchet and raking off two feet of snow. Actually, Spencer spent several hours doing that while I held the ladder, handed him tools and dodged hunks of ice and snow. We were both soaked and freezing by dusk, but we got it done.

Afterwards, we got into dry clothes, stoked the fire, and sipped hot apple cider while watching football on TV. The most blissful hour of the whole week.

Tomorrow I drive back to Boston over precarious road conditions, but if I can get the little Scion 0.3 miles to the main road in town, it will be smooth sailing.


whirledpeas1129 said...

I don't know... to me, it still sounds like a fabulous long weekend! I need to get to Maine one day; it sounds lovely.

Linda Kush said...

It was fabulous. But that hour sitting cozy was the best of all.