Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas week in Harmony: Part Two

On New Year’s Day, it snowed lightly all day long, covering the pine trees surrounding the cabin with white powder and softening the footprints that humans, dogs and deer left in the snow.

We walked into town for such necessities as newspapers, mayonnaise and lemon pies, and squandered four dollars on losing lottery tickets.

Since the advent of all-digital broadcast television last year, we receive only ABC and Fox. Fortunately, we could tune in the Capital One and Rose Bowls, so we got our dose of college football to make it feel like New Year’s.

Both too exhausted last night to add late-night logs to the fire, we woke at 5 a.m. this morning toasty under three comforters despite an indoor temperature of 45 degrees. With patient tending, Spencer got a nice blaze going in the stove, and by 8:00, it was 55, tolerable if you wear several layers, sip lots of black coffee, and wrap yourself in a lap robe.

The predicted big storm is due in today with high winds. I plan to trudge into town in snowshoes for a newspaper.

1 comment:

whirledpeas1129 said...

Just reading about your snowy cabin makes me wish I was there! It sounds perfect.